Tha an toradh seo na mhodal taisbeanaidh capacitive le meud 1.54 òirleach. Eadar-aghaidh LCD: MCU-24P, àrd-mhìneachadh IPS, structar sgrion suathaidh capacitive: G + F, IC: CST8165, deuchainn cruas uachdar:> 7HB. Tha a choltas teann ga dhèanamh freagarrach airson tagraidhean malairteach ann an iomadh raon. Tha rùn agus dath àrd aig gach piogsail den mhodal taisbeanaidh seo, agus tha mothachadh agus astar freagairt fìor àrd aca cuideachd, a choinnicheas ri feumalachdan diofar thagraidhean.
Tha an toradh seo ri fhaicinn ann an raointean uaireadairean snasail, innealan so-ruigsinneach, dachaighean snasail agus Internet of Things. Mar eisimpleir, ann an raon uaireadairean snasail, faodaidh am modal taisbeanaidh seo fiosan, teachdaireachdan teacsa agus teachdaireachdan eile bho fhònaichean-làimhe a thaisbeanadh, agus faodar a chleachdadh cuideachd mar pedometer, monitor ìre cridhe agus gnìomhan eile; ann an raon innealan caitheamh, faodar a chleachdadh mar speuclairean snasail Faodaidh an taisbeanadh aithne aghaidh, aithneachadh guth agus gnìomhan eile a thaisbeanadh; ann an raon dachaigh smart agus Internet of Things, faodar am modal taisbeanaidh seo a chleachdadh mar smachd ruigsinneachd snasail, ionad smachd dachaigh smart agus tagraidhean eile.
Faodaidh luchd-ceannach diofar mheudan modal taisbeanaidh agus modalan a thaghadh a rèir am feumalachdan fhèin gus coinneachadh ris na feumalachdan toraidh aca. Aig an aon àm, tha sinn cuideachd a 'toirt seachad taic theicnigeach agus an dèidh-reic seirbheis gus dèanamh cinnteach rèidh agus fad-ùine seasmhachd luchd-cleachdaidh anns a' phròiseas cleachdaidh.
Ge bith an e sgioba R&D a th’ annad, neach-dèanamh, no neach-cleachdaidh deireannach, bheir sinn seachad fuasglaidhean coileanta dhut. Tha sinn a’ coimhead air adhart ri bhith ag obair còmhla riut gus leasachadh ghnìomhachasan a bhrosnachadh ann an iomadh raon.
Ruixiang touch taisbeanadh teicneòlas Co., Ltd.
Thathas a’ toirt taic do ghnàthachadh OEM/ODM.
Chan eil na leanas de gach meud. Mura h-eil am meud a tha a dhìth ort air an liosta, feuch an innis thu dhuinn am meud a tha a dhìth ort.
Meud (òirlich) | Pàirt Àir. | Fuasgladh | LCD OD | Sealladh Sgìre (mm) | Eadar-aghaidh | IC | FPC | Thoir iomradh | |
2.4 | RXL024074-A | 240*320 | 42.72*58.9*2.2 | 36.72*48.96 | MCU(P) | ILI9341V | 40 PIN | RTP/CTP | Cuir fios US |
RXL024091-A | 240*320 | 42.72*60.26*2.6 | 36.72*48.96 | MCU/SPI/RGB | ST7789V | 45 PIN | RTP/CTP | ||
RXL024102-A | 240*320 | 42.72*60.26*3.6 | 36.72*48.96 | MCU | ST7789V | 45 PIN | RTP/CTP | ||
RXL024102-A | 240*320 | 42.92*60.26*3.78 | 36.72*48.96 | MCU/SPI/RGB | ST7789V | 45 PIN | IPS | ||
2.8 | RXL028052-A | 240*320 | 50.2*69.7*2.6 | 43.2*57.6 | MCU/SPI/RGB | ST7789V | 50 PIN | RTP/CTP | |
RXL028075-A | 240*320 | 50.5*69.7*2.6 | 43.2*57.6 | MCU/SPI/RGB | ST7789V | 50 PIN | IPS | ||
RXL028092-A | 240*320 | 50*69.2*2.45 | 43.2*57.6 | MCU(P) | ILI9341V | 37 PIN | RTP/CTP | ||
3 | RXL030053-A | 240*400 | 45.4*77*2.6 | 39.24*65.4 | MCU/SPI/RGB | ILI9327 | 45 PIN | IPS | Cuir fios US |
RXL030076-A | 240*400 | 45.4*77*2.6 | 38.88*64.8 | MCU/SPI/RGB | ILI9327 | 45 PIN | RTP/CTP | ||
3.2 | RXL032054-A | 240*320 | 55.04*77.2*2.5 | 48.6*64.8 | MCU(P)/RGB | ILI9341 | 40 PIN | RTP/CTP | |
RXL032077-A | 240*320 | 55*77.2*2.6 | 48.6*64.8 | MCU/SPI/RGB | ST7789V | 50 PIN | RTP/CTP | ||
3.5 | RXL035055-A | 320*240 | 76.9*63.9*3.25 | 70.08*52.56 | RGB | HX8238A | 54 PIN | RTP/CTP | |
RXL035093-A | 320*480 | 54.66*82.94*2.3 | 48.96*73.44 | MCU(P)/RGB | ILI9488 | 40 PIN | RTP/CTP | ||
RXL035103-A | 320*240 | 76.9*63.9*4.5 | 70.08*52.56 | RGB | HX8238A | 54 PIN | RTP/CTP | ||
RXL035109-A | 320*240 | 76.9*63.9*4.55 | 70.08*52.56 | RGB | HX8238A | 54 PIN | IPS | ||
RXL035113-A | 320*480 | 54.58*83.57*2.1 | 48.96*73.44 | MCU/SPI/RGB | ILI9488 | 50 PIN | IPS | ||
RXL035036-A | 320*480 | 55.5*84.9*2.5 | 48.96*73.44 | MIPI | ILI9488 | 20 PIN | IPS | ||
4 | RXL040056-A | 480*800 | 79.38*76.43*2.8 | 70.176*71.856 | SPI/RGB | ST7701S | 50 PIN | IPS | Cuir fios US |
RXL040078-A | 480*800 | 57.14*96.85*2 | 51.84*86.4 | MIPI | OTM8019A | 20 PIN | IPS | ||
RXL040094-A | 480*800 | 58.26*98.1*2.55 | 51.84*86.4 | SPI+RGB | ILI9806E | 50 PIN | IPS | ||
RXL040026-A | 480*800 | 57.15*96.85*2.3 | 51.84*86.4 | RGB | ILI9806 | 30 PIN | IPS | ||
RXL040104-A | 480*800 | 57.14*96.85*2 | 51.84*86.4 | MCU(P)/RGB | ILI9806G | 50 PIN | RTP/CTP | ||
4.3 | RXL043057-A | 480*272 | 105.4*67.15*2.86 | 95.04*53.86 | 16/18/24RGB | ST7282 | 40 PIN | RTP/CTP | |
RXL043079-A | 480*800 | 62.5*105.55*2.5 | 56.16*93.6 | 16/18/24RGB | ILI9806E | 45 PIN | IPS | ||
RXL043095-A | 480*272 | 105.4*67.15*2.85 | 95.04*53.86 | 8/24RGB | SC7283 | 40 PIN | Teòthachd farsaing / IPS | ||
RXL043105-A | 480*800 | 62.5*105.55*2.5 | 56.16*93.6 | MIPI | ILI9806E | 20 PIN | IPS | ||
RXL043119-A | 480*272 | 53.856*95.04 | 53.856*95.04 | RGB | HX8257-A00 | 40 PIN | RTP/CTP | ||
RXL043002-A | 480*272 | 53.856*95.04 | 53.856*95.04 | RGB | HX8257-A00 | 40 PIN | RTP/CTP | ||
4.5 | RXL045058-A | 480*854 | 61.54*110.1*2.55 | 55.44*98.64 | SPI+RGB | ILI9806E | 45 PIN | RTP/CTP | Cuir fios US |
RXL045080-A | 480*854 | 61.54*110.1*2.55 | 55.44*98.64 | MIPI | ILI9806E | 20 PIN | IPS | ||
5 | RXL050059-A | 480*272 | 120.8*75.9*4.2 | 110.88*62.83 | RGB | HX8257-A00 | 40 PIN | RTP/CTP | |
RXL050081-A | 800*480 | 120.7*75.8*4.5 | 108*64.8 | RGB | ILI6122+ ILI5960 | 40 PIN | RTP/CTP | ||
RXL050063-A | 800*480 | 120.7*75.8*4.3 | 108*64.8 | RGB | ILI6122+ ILI5960 | 40 PIN | RTP/CTP | ||
RXL050020-A | 800*480 | 120.7*75.8*4.3.1 | 108*64.8 | RGB | ILI6122 | 40 PIN | RTP/CTP | ||
RXL050096-A | 800*480 | 120.9*78.1*2.95 | 108*64.8 | 16/18/24RGB | ST7262 | 40 PIN | Teòthachd farsaing / IPS | ||
RXL050106-A | 720*1280 | 67.56*122.35*2.6 | 62.1*110.4 | MIPI | ILI9881C | 30 PIN | IPS HD | ||
RXL050025-A | 720*1280 | 65.4*119.3*1.64 | 62.1*110.4 | MIPI | / | 25 PIN | |||
RXL050110-A | 1080*1920 | 64.3*118.3*1.49 | 61.88*110.2 | MIPI | NT35596 | 39 PIN | IPS HD | ||
5.5 | RXL055060-A | 720*1280 | 71.66*129.99*1.61 | 68.04*120.96 | MIPI | OTM1283A | 25 PIN | IPS 1080p | |
RXL055082-A | 720*1280 | 74.28*133.21*2.6 | 68.04*120.96 | 4 Lane MIPI | ILI9881C | 30 PIN | RTP/CTP | Cuir fios US | |
RXL055097-A | 1080*1920 | 74.28*133.21*2.6 | 68.04*120.96 | 4 Lane MIPI | NT35532 | 25 PIN | IPS 1080p | ||
5.6 | RXL056061-A | 640*480 | 126.5*100*4.5 | 112.9*84.67 | 16/18RGB | / | 40 PIN | RTP/CTP | |
7 | RXL070018-A | 800*480 | 165*100*3.5 | 154.08*85.92 | RGB | ILI6122+ ILI5960 | 50 PIN | RTP/CTP | |
RXL070083-A | 800*480 | 165*100*5.7 | 154.08*85.92 | MIPI | ILI6122+ ILI5960 | 50 PIN | RTP/CTP | ||
RXL070098-A | 800*480 | 165.4*104.59*5.8 | 152.4*91.44 | 16/18/24RGB | / | 40 PIN | Teòthachd farsaing / IPS | ||
RXL070107-A | 1024*600 | 165*100*6 | 154.21*85.92 | RGB | NT52003+NT51008 | 50 PIN | RTP/CTP | ||
RXL070111-A | 1024*600 | 165*100*3.5 | 154.21*85.92 | MIPI | EK79007AD+ EK73215BCGA | 50 PIN | RTP/CTP | ||
RXL070114-A | 1024*600 | 164.9*100*3.5 | 154.21*85.92 | LVDS | 79001/EK73215BC | 30 PIN | MVA | ||
RXL070116-A | 1024*600 | 165*100*5.8 | 154.21*85.92 | 4 Lane MIPI | / | 30 PIN | IPS | ||
RXL070117-A | 800*1280 | 103.46*160.78*2.17 | 94.2*150.72 | MIPI | NT35521 | 40 PIN | IPS | ||
RXL070084-A | 800*1280 | 97.35*162.03*2.3 | 94.2*150.7 | MIPI | / | 40 PIN | IPS | Cuir fios US | |
RXL070029-A | 1200*1920 | 98.75*160.85 | 94.5*151.2 | MIPI | / | 40 PIN | IPS | ||
8 | RXL080064-A | 800*600 | 183*141*5.6 | 162*121.5 | 24RGB | / | 50 PIN | RTP/CTP | |
RXL080050-A | 800*1280 | 114.6*184.1*2.5 | 107.64*172.22 | MIPI | / | 31 PIN | IPS | ||
RXL080120-A | 1024*768 | 136*174*2.5 | 162*121.5 | MIPI | 50 PIN | RTP/CTP | |||
RXL080049-A | 1024*768 | 183*141*6.3 | 162*121.54 | LVDS | 50 PIN | RTP/CTP | |||
9 | RXL090065-A | 800*480 | 211.1*126.5*3.5 | 198*111.7 | 24RGB | / | 50 PIN | RTP/CTP | |
RXL090085-A | 1024*600 | 210.7*126.5*5 | 196.61*114.15 | RGB | / | 50 PIN | RTP/CTP | ||
10.1 | RXL101086-A | 800*1280 | 143*228.6*2.8 | 135.36*216.57 | MIPI | / | 40 PIN | IPS | |
RXL101100-A | 1200*1920 | 143*228.7*2.2 | 135.36*216.58 | MIPI | / | 40 PIN | IPS | ||
RXL101073-A | 1080*1920 | 142.8*228.2 | 135.36*216.58 | MIPI | / | 40 PIN | IPS | ||
RXL101108-A | 1024*600 | 235*143*5.2 | 222.72*125.28 | LVDS | / | 40 PIN | RTP/CTP | Cuir fios US | |
RXL101112-A | 1024*600 | 235*143*5 | 222.72*125.28 | RGB | / | 30 PIN | IPS | ||
RXL101066-A | 1280*800 | 229.46*149.1*2.5 | 216.96*135.6 | LVDS | / | 40 PIN | IPS | ||
RXL101121-A | 1280*800 | 229.46*150.2*4.5 | 216.96*135.6 | LVDS | 40 PIN | RTP/CTP | |||
10.4 | RXL104067-A | 800*600 | 228.4*175.4*5.9 | 211.2*158.4 | 24RGB | / | 60 PIN | RTP/CTP | |
12.1 | RXL121068-A | 1024*768 | 279*209*9 | 245.76*184.32 | LVDS | / | 20 PIN | RTP/CTP | |
RXL121122-A | 1024*768 | 260.5*203.5*10 | 248*187 | LVDS | / | 20 PIN | RTP/CTP | ||
RXL121087-A | 1024*768 | 260.5*204*8.4 | 245.76*184.3 | LVDS | / | 30 PIN | IPS | ||
13.3 | RXL133069-A | 1920*1080 | 306.3*177.7*5.4 | 293.47*165.07 | EDP | / | 30 PIN | IPS | |
RXL133088-A | 1920*1080 | 305.35*187.82*2.7 | 293.76*165.24 | EDP | / | 30 PIN | IPS | ||
RXL133101-A | 1920*1080 | 305.2*178.1*2.6 | 293.76*165.24 | EDP | / | 30 PIN | IPS | ||
15.6 | RXL156070-A | 1920*1080 | 363.8*215.9*8.8 | 344.16*193.59 | EDP | / | 30 PIN | 1000 NITS | Cuir fios US |
RXL156089-A | 1920*1080 | 359.5*223.8*3.2 | 344.16*193.59 | EDP | / | 30 PIN | 220nits IPS | ||
19 | RXL190071-A | 1280*1024 | 396*324*11.2 | 376.32*301.06 | LVDS | / | 30 PIN | CTP | |
21.5 | RXL215072-A | 1920*1080 | 495.6*292.2*10.6 | 476.64*268.11 | LVDS | / | 30 PIN | CTP | |
RXL215090-A | 1920*1080 | 489.3*287*12.8 | 476.06*267.8 | LVDS | / | 30 PIN | IPS |